Friday, October 7
9:00am |
Registration & Nossa Familia coffee station open |
10:00am |
Welcome announcements |
10:15am |
Your Life Will Never Be The SameIjeoma Oluo, The Establishment |
11:00am |
Healing Heathcare and Healing YourselfDeep Shah, independent |
11:20am |
20-min break |
11:40am |
Fighting Internet Censorship with Multicultural DesignJessica Tate, ThinkShout |
12pm |
Lunch break |
1:30pm |
Attendee SpotlightWe’re going to shake off the lunch lethargy by inviting you to take the floor and share a story about your experiences with social change. You’ll get five minutes to speak and we’ll take signups via Twitter on the day of (first come first serve). |
2:10pm |
#Spawn4Good: A Lesson in Activist GamingKahlief Adams, Spawn on Me |
2:40pm |
Non-Binary Genders: A Queer and Practical RevolutionAlfie Padilla, Pixel Arts |
3:00pm |
20-min break |
3:20pm |
Towards an Ethics of Care for TechnologyAmelia Abreu, Abreu Consulting |
3:45pm |
Six Years of #NOKXL DesignJustin Kemerling, JKDC |
4:20pm |
Public Service Design: How You Can Make a Difference in Your CommunityMolly McLeod, Code for America |
4:50pm |
End of day announcements |
Saturday, October 8
9:00am |
Registration & Nossa Familia coffee station open |
10:00am |
Morning announcements |
10:15am |
When Wedding Media and Feminist Politics MeetLiz Susong, Catalyst Wed Co |
10:40am |
Designing in Times of Social Conflict & TransitionDe Nichols, Civic Creatives |
11:00am |
20-min break |
11:20am |
Fatigue: on BurnoutNadia Gathers, CODE2040 |
11:50am |
Closing announcements |
12pm |
Lunch break |
afternoon |
Group volunteering (off-site)Jump into action by helping out Hack Oregon, The Welcome Home Coalition/#Yes4Homes ballot measure, or p:ear in the afternoon. You and your fellow attendees can paint Hack Oregon's new offices (2-5pm), do phone outreach about the #Yes4Homes campaign (2-5pm), or spruce up p:ear's facilities with some cleaning (3-5:30pm). |
6:30pm |
Resolution Fest Closing Party (off-site)We're joining together with our parent festival for the Saturday night afterparty. Note: you’ll have to RSVP separately, as it’s free and open to the general public. |